2022 in review

2022 was by far our most challenging year. You’ve seen the pictures: whiteouts and sandstorms almost daily. The most challenging conditions in recent memory, which almost drove us to our breaking point.

To make matters worse all that wind brought heaps of MOOP from other camps to ours and we found ourselves constantly picking up stuff from everywhere. We were not alone in this effort, as all camps and burners went through the same winds and dusty clouds every day.

And to top it all off, exodus was a disaster, with some of us taking 14 hours long on the way out.

And yet…

Despite all those discomforts, 2022 was also a fantastic year. Andina and Randall got married! That alone was a huge highlight! It was our first year back after 2 years away from Playa! We finally embraced old friends, met new ones, and enjoyed our time back home. And it was also the year our camp threw the most events in a week in its history, where we happily shared our yummy, iced drinks and fun workshops with our beloved burners.


It was all worth it. Nothing beats going back home to family. And we can’t wait to see what 2023 will bring.

Below are a few snapshots of those awesome 2022 days. See you in the dust!